Stigma Be Gone, Be A Friend Of Mind

Editor's note: Thank you to Debbie for sharing your story about your experience with mental illness, and for continuing to advocate for those living with a mental illness.

Mental Health Matters. Fear Less. Love More. Have Hope.

Hi, my name is Debbie Gallant and I consider myself to be a strong warrior fighting for love. I’m a neuro-diverse type of warrior, a doer, mover, shaker, builder, dreamer, visionary and soul-rocker. I'm coming from a place of my heart and I am spreading unconditional love to the universe.

My goal is to be a big piece of the puzzle to make the world a better place, by sharing a powerful, simple message and having other leaders of all abilities join my group and save lives together. My group is breaking barriers, giving hope and shining light. We are taking a stand to destroy stigma once and for all; no one should suffer in silence anymore.

We need to shine our bright lights from a place of our heart, and show our warrior loved ones whom are still suffering in the darkness, the way to the light. Please take the time to watch my personal video, I am using social media to hopefully go viral and have the largest group on Facebook.

I believe In miracles… life is a miracle, we all are miracles and I know I can make this happen with the help of my warrior friends. I cannot do it alone, but together, we can make change and a masterpiece. Will you help me pave the way to a beautiful, loving, accepting world? Where everyone matters, everyone is loved, and everyone is here for the same purpose: to love thyself and spread their unconditional love? If you are, here’s the link to join my group, Be A Friend Of Mind.

Feel free to share away on my group! I’m all about connectedness from a place of love and light. I have some amazing warriors sharing their heartbreaking and impactful stories with me. It makes me feel better to know that I’m helping others throughout their journey of life.

Why is it important for you to share your story and experiences with mental health and illness?

My family is passionate about making a difference and being part of the change to make the world a better place to be. A place of acceptance and love. No one should suffer alone in a very dark place with mental illness. Let's all stop hiding and start talking about it. It's okay not to be okay. Let's educate our children to talk.

We all have our chapters, let’s write an amazing ending together from a place of love and light. Have a fantastic day!

From my heart to yours,

- Debbie
BC, Canada

More about Debbie: 

I come from a place of my heart and my son's.  I want to be a voice for those suffering in silence and those that are so sick they don't have a voice. My family believes in being a piece of the puzzle to a better world. Powerful minds will not be stigmatized anymore.

Join me and my amazing group of warriors spreading hope to the universe from a place of our hearts, and share this worthy cause with your friends on social media and more. Stand up to stigma now!

Would you like to share your story? Click "Share Your Story" below to submit your story: 

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Distress Centre Calgary - (403) 266 HELP (4357)
The Support Network Distress Line - (780) 482 - HELP (4357) 
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